Celebrating 30 yrs of Music in Tahiti
Célébration des 30 ans de Musique à Tahiti
Hina & Friends Band
Orchestre Hina & Friends
(jazz, rock, pop, reggae, country, 'musique des iles', Tahitian music)
Bookings and Band information:
Réservation d'orchestre:

La 30ème Célébration de Musique de Hina avec 13 titres enregistré à Tahiti !
Ia Orana Chers Amis de la Musique,
Je remercie chaleureusement le magasin ‘Faty’ de Faaa, ‘Paea Teai’ de ‘Audio Est’ studio ainsi que tous les artistes de Tahiti qui ont participé ou apporté leur soutient à ce produit.
Avec le partenariat du Magasin de Faty,
j’ai le plaisir de vous chanter sa chanson
‘Maa Tahiti Na Faty’.
Vous trouverez deux versions de la chanson du tourisme
‘Faati Au To Fenua',
qui décrit les cinq magnifiques archipels de la Polynésie,
et quelle joie de composer la musique, puis de chanter le ‘Aparima' finale
‘Ua Ura Te Here’ de ‘Tahiti Ora’,
lauréat du Heiva I Tahiti 2014, sur ce CD.
13 nouveautés que vous pouvez télécharger des sites ;
ou sur I Tunes magasin de musique en ligne,
cliquer sur l'icone iTunes ci dessous.
Bon écoute !
Mauruuru e ia aroha rahi , Hina
Latest Release
Hina, 30th Music Celebration in Tahiti, 13 new songs recorded in Tahiti !
Ia Orana Greetings, Dear Music Friends,
What great joy it is to come back to my initial career
of music and dance !
I am ever so thankful to ‘Faty Store’ in Faaa,
Paea Teai of ‘Audio Est’ studio,
and to the many talented artists' from Tahiti
who participated by bringing in their talent or their support.
With the partnership of 'Faty' store
I am happy to present his song “Maa Tahiti Na Faty”.
You will find two versions of the Tahiti Tourism song,
‘Faati Au To Fenua’,
describing the magnificent five archipelagos of Polynesia.
And finally I was so happy to compose the music to
'Ua Ura Te Here',
the ’Aparima’ song of Tahiti Ora dance group,
winners of the 'Heiva I Tahiti 2014',
and what a honor to sing it on this CD.
13 songs featured on this album, available online at;
and I Tunes music store. Just Click on the icon below.
Drop in to listen to the previews!
Mauruuru e ia aroha rahi, Hina

For online purchases:
You may click on the iTunes box
or just connect to the
CD Baby link here below:


Les Nouvelles
In Tahiti there's news of a new single for "Hina & Friends" band ?
Yes ! Hina is back at the working desk polishing up those songs
that did not make it onto the 30th Music Celebration CD.
These are not Tahitian songs but sheds light on Hina's other passion of modern music,
with an added twist of her new 'Island Style' sounds.
Hina is also happy to welcome back some old-musician-friends for this new release !
I'll keep you posted in the future to see how things are coming along...
One Single will be featuring Tahitian Island Pop "Aito Woman",
the latest composition. on the modern Tahitian Vahine today !
TE FARE O TAMATOA - with TEA RAMA NUI dance group in Seattle
Don’t forget to visit ‘Te Fare O Tamatoa’ s website and watch their latest showcase on YouTube and the performance of ‘Tea Rama Nui‘ dance group. Bravo, to the students and teachers from Seattle Washington. Here below an extract of Te Fare O Tamatoa dances.
Don't forget to visit and like their page on FACEBOOK at:
In Memory of "Faty" our friend ...
'Hina & Friends' band along with many musician friends are sad to announce that our dearest friend and big music fan 'Faty' from the store 'Poissonerie de Heiri' has departed through sickness.
His support to musicans was so great that he was also
one of the promoters of our latest album
"Hina, 30th Music Celebration in Tahiti".
As a last tribute to him and Mauruuru to his family, we would love to take the opportunity to share the song Hina wrote for him
called "Maa Tahiti Na Faty".
Aroha rahi no to tatou hoa o 'Faty'
Mauruuru Hina & Friends
Hina, the Dancer
Hina's dancing career, first started as a child.
Hopefully one day she might retrace her dance projects from the USA to Tahiti in a feature story . . .
According to her, "It all starting with playing the "toere" drums !". . .
From tiny dancer to dance instructor, from director of the 'Pupu Te Tiare' to the "Heiva I Tahiti”, you'll discover,
"Her joys and sorrows in Tahitian dancing".
Hina, La Danseuse
Hina a débuté dans le ‘show biz’ à un très jeune âge,
«. . . tout a commencé en jouant sur des tambours et des ‘Toere’. . . »
Peut-être un jour elle racontera l'histoire de ses débuts dans la danse retraçant son parcours et sa carrière de danseuse professionnel aux Etats-Unis, jusqu’à son premier " Heiva I Tahiti " en tant que directrice du ‘Pupu Te Tiare" et décrire à ce moment-là, ses joies et peines dans la danse tahitienne...

Pictured below, Hina far right, Director of the Pupu Te Tiare in 1985 & 1986,
assisted by Julien Mai far left both wearing the cheiftan hats.
Rewarded at the Heiva I Tahiti for Grand prize costumes 85, Best Original Costumes 1986 & and best dancers, Miss Mini Heiva 1985, best dancers Mini Heiva 86, and Tane Mini Heiva 86, overall 5th professional and with Julien Mai in 1987 overall 3rd professional with best dancer .

Dance & Music, a family Heritage
Maybe someday Hina will share her story regarding the rich cultural heritage she received from her parents with a full collection of photos (1938-1960's)

Danse & Musique un héritage familial
Peut-ëtre un jour Hina partagera l'histoire de son riche héritage culturel transmis par ses parents avec une collection de photos (1938-1960's).

Lagoon limpide de Bora Bora

"Protéger notre planète pour les générations futures
et chérissez ce magnifique 'Fenua, Porinetia’;
pour que nous puissions continuer à chanter sa beauté !"
Mauruuru, Merci, Hina
Côte Est de Tahiti, bord de route de Papenoo
All photos property of HM Pankowski - Canon, Nokia Lumia & Ipad.
Jazz Band 'Hina & Friends' at the Sofitel: property & courtesy of S. Pito.
Hina in flower decorated Pomare chair courtesy of the belated photographer Marcel Isy Swartz
Hina Album & CD cover shot courtesy of M. Pankowski,
Graphics & layout by Tuma's Design
Te Fare O Tamatoa video featured on youtube
(property of Tea Rama Nui- Te Fare O Tamatoa)
Mauruuru !